Jesuit Education Research Institute
​Jesuit Educational Research Institute (JERI), is an independent and nonprofit organization focused on bridging the gap between empirical information and non-empirical information in our society. As an academic research and evaluation institute, JERI seeks to foster educational research and evaluation, inform policy and/or reform, and service academic and educational activities. Founded on the principle of “illuminating the masses”, JERI seeks to enlighten the masses through academic, empirical, and scientific studies to increase verifiable information and knowledge. One of the challenges that our society faces today is the lack of empirical studies to inform many topics, subject matters, and areas that affect the safety, health, and well-being of individuals, communities, and our nation at large. JERI is that bridge that seeks to close that gap. We hope to partner with the government and other organizations to harness the power of research and evaluation to help individuals and communities change the world.

“To illuminate and inform the masses through empirical and educational research and evaluation.”
“To conduct unique and epitome empirical and scientific studies that serve as the bridge between empirical information and non-empirical information.”

To conduct empirical, academic, educational, and scientific studies,
To engage in program evaluation and strategic planning,
To bridge the gap between what we know and what we don’t know.
What we do.
JERI conducts program evaluation, planning, and research in a manner that: (a) uses both quantitative and qualitative methods or both; (b) engages in strategic and program planning; (c) centralizes information, data, and findings in easily accessible format. Thus, JERI:

Qualitative research is a research methodology that explores the experience of the subject, collecting non-numerical data like observations or interviews. Qualitative research helps us answer open-ended questions such as why, how, or what transpires in a given scenario.
Quantitative research is a research methodology that explores numerical data through experiments, surveys, and hypothesis testing. Quantitative research helps answer numerical type of questions such as how much, how many, or how often
Mixed Methods
mixed methods research is a research methodology that combines both the qualitative and quantitative. Mixed methods harness the strength of both the qualitative and quantitative to minimize their weaknesses.

A General Overview of JERI’s Projects in 2024-2025
Education at a Glance
Why it matters
A general outlook of education in the country provides insight into the historical development of education and brings to the fore the current state of education to the benefit of the government, public, policymakers, students, parents, and all interested parties.
What it involves
Outlining the historical development of education in the country.
Gathering data from schools and other educational institutions.
Research on emerging topics.
Providing further analysis and insight into special topics.
Providing a snapshot of the state of education in the country.
Dissecting the 2023 Curriculum Framework
Why it matters
Questions and discomfort are raised about the 2023 Curriculum Framework. A comprehensive analysis of this Framework will demonstrate the rationale for the move from the 2013 Curriculum Framework to the 2023 Curriculum Framework.
What is involved
Understanding the 2013 Curriculum Framework.
Understanding the 2023 Curriculum Framework.
Analyzing the 2023 Curriculum Framework.
Providing the rationale for the move.
Maambo Choobe, (2024). Good Governance in Africa: A Key Pathway to Socio-economic and Political Development and Self-Actualization of a People.
Maambo Choobe, (2023). What Should be the Primary Role of Education in Africa?